How to uninstall Webroot SecureAnywhere Endpoint Protection?
Facing trouble with Webroot SecureAnywhere Endpoint Protection? First, try to change settings to default and see if it works for you. In most of the cases, the base of errors is caused by the changed settings, which do synchronize with the web browser. Knowing that Webroot is an essential software that blocks internet risks. Other than this, having Webroot Endpoint Protection secures from offline risks as well. Although the software is majorly for online protection, it may cause trouble for users when the settings are not made right or the software is outdated. If you have tried to change settings but you see the problem after that, you can choose to uninstall Webroot it your subscription has expired.
While to go with the option to uninstall Webroot, there are things you need to pay attention to or you will end up the fatal error with the removal of the software. Before you try to uninstall Webroot SecureAnywhere End Point Protection from your computer, make sure you do not delete any file from the main folder where all the files are saved. If you do so, you will face Webroot installation error.
To go through a manual process to uninstall Webroot, refer to the instructions below. Please note that the instructions below are applicable on Window 10 and the steps may vary for older operating systems.
How to uninstall Webroot?
1. Click the Windows button or start icon
2. Go to Settings option
3. The setting menu will open up, select System
4. From the left pane, select Apps & features
5. Search for Webroot uninstall option or if you do not find it in the directory, type it in the search field
6. When the option is highlighted, click Uninstall
7. A confirmation dialogue box will pop-up, click Uninstall
You have now uninstall Webroot from your computer.
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