How to uninstall Webroot from Windows 8?
Sometimes we fail to install the upgraded version the Webroot security software and therefore we need to uninstall Webroot from our computer. Although, there is no complex process to uninstall Webroot, users with new windows version sometime face issues even with the mainstream way to uninstall Webroot.
Although you can upgrade to a new Webroot product without needing to uninstall Webroot, you can simplify the process by removing the software. The trouble majorly comes with windows 8 users. If you are among those users and your attempt on how to uninstall Webroot fails every time, try out the following instructions to uninstall Webroot completely from your device.
Steps on how to uninstall Webroot from Windows 8 & 8.1:
1. Take your cursor to the bottom-right section of the Windows to release the Charm Bar menu
2. Click on the Search icon and type or copy-past the following into the Start Search bar, also note that this path is for the default locations
· "C:\Program Files\Webroot\WRSA.exe" –uninstall
· If you have installed the program at other location, make sure to modify the path accordingly
3. Press the Enter key
4. When prompted to uninstall, click Yes and let it uninstall Webroot
Your have successfully executed the steps on how to Webroot uninstall from your Windows 8 computer. Please note that the process will not be applicable for Windows phones, you can uninstall Webroot from your phone simply by a log tap on the icon and then select uninstall option.
Now you can go for the upgraded version of the security software and make the necessary setting changes to stay protected. As you start using the most recent version of the software, all the advanced features will protect your data against the emerging online threats as well as malware attacks though peripheral devices.
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